Luke 9:51-62
“Running toward, or running away?”
Introduction Shots rang out in a Baltimore neighborhood. Instantly, a nearby police officer ran toward the sound of the gunfire. A landlord-tenant dispute had turned ugly, and two men lay bleeding on the ground. The officer encountered the suspect, ordering him to put his gun away and lie on the ground. The suspect complied, and the arrest was made. Body-cam footage captured the heroic action that saved lives. Baltimore Police spokesperson T.J. Smith commended the fast-acting patrolman: “The officer didn’t hesitate at all to run into danger…His performance was exemplary and his decisiveness ended an immediate threat.” (Source: June 12, 2018 article at
Running toward: “He set his face to go to Jerusalem” (v. 51) Like that police officer, Jesus ran toward the danger. Our Lord had no delusions about what he would be facing in Jerusalem; he knew what was at-stake. Matthew and Mark record Jesus predicting his own death not once, but twice. (See Matthew 16:21-23, 20:17-19; Mark 9:30-32, 10:32-34). In Luke’s Gospel, the single warning of his impending doom comes just before our passage – see Luke 9:43-45. His disciples didn’t understand what he was talking about (v. 45), but Jesus knew all too well what lay ahead. Despite the shadow of the Cross, Jesus ran toward the gunfire. He “set his face to go to Jerusalem” (v. 51).
Opposition on the way: Transit through Samaria (vv. 52-55) Fulfilling his mission took Jesus through hostile territory. Hospitality was a considered an important duty in the ancient Middle East, particularly for weary travelers (Genesis 18:1-8). Dennis Bratcher notes that “a traveler would interpret a resident’s failure to provide food and amenities as a hostile act” (see Bratcher, “Travelers and Strangers,” This explains James’ and John’s explosive reaction, asking Jesus whether they should “command fire to come down from heaven and consume them” (v. 54), a seeming allusion to Sodom’s and Gomorrah’s destruction due to their hostility toward the angelic visitors (Genesis 19:1-28). The Samaritans rebuffed him because of his Jewish nationality: “They did not receive him because his face was set toward Jerusalem” (v. 53). But Jesus refused to play along with the ancient blood-feud; he had no use for distracting dramas. Jesus knew that his mission was one of love, not hate. He refused to destroy unwelcoming Samaritans by fire, but kept his focus, moving on to Jerusalem where his own fiery trial awaited him.
Running away: Refusing the journey to the Cross (vv. 57-62) Immediately after the first prediction of his death and resurrection (Matt. 16:21-23),
Jesus said to his disciples: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and
take up their cross and follow me” (v. 24). Likewise, in Luke 9:57-62, Jesus – on the way to the Cross in Jerusalem – interacts with three would-be disciples. Jesus looks past the words, and sees the heart. One is interested in the V.I.P. treatment he thinks he will receive as part of Jesus’s entourage. But Jesus explains that life as his disciple carries no perks. Unlike the Lord’s traveling band, at least foxes and birds have a place to call home (v. 58). To a second individual, he simply says: “Follow me” (v. 59a). But the man insists he must first bury his father, then he will follow. To this Jesus curtly replies: “Let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God” (v. 60). A third individual merely asks to say goodbye to his family before following Jesus. Even this seemingly reasonable request elicits a strict rejoinder from the Master: “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God” (v. 62). Behind each excuse, Jesus sees the reality: The way of the Cross was too difficult for them. They refused the journey to the Cross. Instead, they ran away.
From text to sermon As we reflect on Luke 9:51-62, several preaching points come into focus:
Jesus had a clear sense of mission and avoided distractions. Jesus “set his face to go to Jerusalem” (v. 51). The New Living Translation renders the verse: “Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” His time in the desert tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11) had steeled his resolve against pursuing any detours to the purpose God had in mind for him. Likewise, God has a mission for each of us to fulfill, a mission that will require holy resolve to accomplish.
Love tempers our human desire for vengeance. James and John were ready to call down fire from heaven upon the unhospitable Samaritans. Christ modeled a better way, a willingness to overlook wrongs and to treat people better than they deserve. His is the way of grace, God’s unmerited favor, extended even to one’s enemies (Matthew 5:44).
Discipleship requires running toward, not running away. For the individual who has perceived that behind every call to discipleship lies a cross (Galatians 2:20), a point of decision is at-hand. Will we journey with Jesus all the way to Golgotha – running toward the danger – or will we run away, offering excuses to cover our cowardice? The choice is ours.