Mark 10:17-31
Change can be difficult as anyone knows. To truly take new steps in life require a calculated approach and clear-headed intent. If you chose to change jobs or start your own business, you would want to make sure you have a solid business plan, necessary start up capital, and the passion to persevere through the unknowable future challenges. It would be nice to always have a safety net when going through changes. To have a buffer between our lives and discomfort is a comforting thought. But what happens when change catches us off guard?
Jesus has already declared a change to what is to be the new normal with the Kingdom breaking in. The place of women, children, the poor and the sick has been re-narrated through Jesus’ ministry. The gospel reading today can be seen as another of Jesus’ change moments that leaves his disciples feeling a bit uneasy. Mark simply calls him a man. Luke says he’s a “rich ruler” and Matthew calls him a “young man.” This man kneels before Jesus and ask a question with eternal implications. Perhaps to test his motivation Jesus counters with a question of his own, “Why do you call me good?” Is he simply coming to Jesus with flattery of does he really understand the implication of calling him good?
Jesus turns the conversation to the law: don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t defraud, do show honor to dad and mom. His list of commands seems to ask the question, ‘Have you done these things?’ The list of do’s and don’t’s are easy to affirm for the man who responds “…since my youth.” But if do’s and don’t’s told the whole story following Jesus would hardly require change. The road diverges when Jesus calls for him to change without the comfort of his safety net. “You lack one thing…” No one wants to be inadequate in their efforts, but what he lacked was not a resource he could acquire. His addition could only come through subtraction. Let go.
It reminds of a scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Sean Connery plays Indiana Jones’ father and finds himself holding on to Indy as he is hanging over a chasm while trying to reach the cup of Christ, they had searched for to protect. All Indy’s efforts to reach the grail put him in peril of falling and Henry (his father) holding his hand to save him calls to him calmly and says, “Indiana, let it go.” You can watch the short scene here. Indy reaches up to grab Henry’s hand saving his life.
To renounce our safety nets and give complete trust is not an easy change. This was particularly hard even for the disciples. Mark reveals ‘the man’ had wealth which was a sure sign of blessing and favor from God. The man leaves sad, without accepting the invitation of Jesus to change. Jesus then speaks of entering the kingdom when one has riches. The rich imagery of camels and needles gives the impression it is perhaps an impossibility when viewed through the lens of the status quo.
“Then who can be saved?” It’s an honest question and coming from the disciples has a tone of defeat. If this much change is required, then who can possibly do it? The answer likely doesn’t provide immediate comfort either. However, change is already happening. Even now those who have let go those things they once found their security in are receiving something more lasting and more secure.
This week we have the chance to bring our people to the point of recognizing what they might be grasping for other than Jesus. What might provide a sense of greater security than Jesus. This could be wealth, but it could also be the familial ties Jesus lists as well. It is interesting when Jesus is pointing out the R.O.I (return on investment) of the Kingdom he mentions sacrificing father but not a return of father. God is the father of this new community they are being called into. This father is eternal and will be with them no matter the changes that may come. This father is their safety net for all eternity. Mark’s gospel adds “with persecutions” implying that they should not expect blessing to come without cost. The change to enter this Kingdom is not without sacrifice, but the return is eternal.