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Mark 10:46-52

Writer's picture: Nicole CottonNicole Cotton

This passage is sandwiched between two passages where we see Jesus’ disciples pursuing a particular kind of kingdom, while missing the very kingdom that Jesus came to bring about. This is a theme that many are perhaps quite familiar with by now, especially those of us who preach regularly. Not only is this a common theme preached throughout the Lenten season, for instance, but I think this is something that resonates with many Christians in this moment. There seems to be a great deal of Christians who are doubling down on a particular kind of kingdom. Fiercely protected these days is a kingdom that is based on the fear of scarcity, individualism, greed, anger, othering…the list could go on and on. The point is, we are likely very familiar with the concept of pursuing a kingdom that is antithetical to the one Jesus came to establish, and I suspect that many of us are doing our best to faithfully shepherd our people to pursue a different kind of Kingdom.

In Mark Chapter 10, we see the disciples rebuking children and fighting for status and recognition in the Kingdom of God – both of which Jesus strongly condemns. As soon as Jesus and his disciples reach Jerusalem, they will be met with thousands of people who are also expecting a particular kind of King and a particular kind of Kingdom. This story of blind Bartimaeus fits right in, and Jesus’ actions are very telling. Amongst those who are clinging to a revolutionary hero and those who are fighting for status, is a blind man who sits on the margins, waiting to be seen. Waiting to be heard. Waiting for someone to care. I imagine him sitting, day after day, listening for the footsteps of passersby and hoping that they will have considered what they might be able to spare. One must wonder how many people actually stopped, and how many kept walking?   

Suddenly, Bartimaeus hears that Jesus of Nazareth is nearby! I would imagine he has heard of this Jesus of Nazareth. A blind man such as himself would not have been able to read the Scriptures, but likely relied upon hearing the Scriptures read aloud. At some point, did he hear of this Jesus? Was hope conceived that one day he would be this close to Jesus? Maybe he remembers hearing the words from Isaiah 35 – “Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy.” Or maybe it was Psalm 146 – “He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them – he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free, the LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous.” All we know for sure is that he hears that Jesus is near, and he won’t stop until he can get his attention.

We aren’t given much information about why this man is quieted by those who hear him. I’m trying not to jump to harsh conclusions, but it feels awfully cruel to shush a person who is trying to get the attention of Jesus. Can you imagine? Here is a person who has perhaps waited his whole life for this moment, and it’s precisely people like him for whom Jesus has come! And for whatever reason, he is being hushed. Silenced. I would imagine that what is being communicated to him is essentially, “We don’t want to hear from you.” “Not right now.” “Shhhh… don’t cause a scene!” “Jesus is too busy for you.”  

Personally, I love the detail that not only does Jesus stop for him, but he also actually tells the disciples to call on him. He is involving them in his work, moving them to participate, showing them what it is he came to do. Jesus is reiterating once again who is first in this kingdom, the Kingdom of the God. Though the disciples are content with getting to what they consider to be more important matters, Jesus, as he often does, stops for the one. I’m overwhelmed at the tender care of Jesus who asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus tells Jesus he wants to see, and immediately he received his sight – everything he had been waiting for. Suddenly, that hope that may have been conceived long ago is hope realized – and that hope, as always, is found in Christ alone.

This story causes me to pause and ask myself some hard questions. Whose is the voice we have been silencing? Could it be that we are passing people by on the regular who are waiting for their hopes to be realized? Are we so focused on pursuing a kingdom that doesn’t emulate God’s, and in the process missing those to whom God is bringing his Kingdom? How is Jesus involving us in his work, moving us to participate in the ways in which he is bringing the Kingdom of God on earth, as it is in heaven?

Additionally, I am thinking about this story on another level, as it has to do with ableism and the many who are left on the margins. How many of our brothers and sisters with disabilities feel as though they are watching from the sidelines, kept from fully participating? How might we be ignoring them? Do we listen to them? Do we ask questions that help us to understand how we can be more inclusive? Does our lack of communication or concern indicate that their voice doesn’t matter in the big picture? These are questions that this text compels me to consider and address.

I think these (and more) are important questions to ask. The fact remains, and we ought to be sincerely listening here – Jesus is committed to moving towards those who are often kept on the margins, whatever the reason may be. He is indeed bringing the Kingdom of God to those on the margins, and he is involving us in the process. May we take our cues from Jesus; may we listen to him; may we ask the hard yet important questions, helping us to see those who are among the unseen.


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