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Weekly Liturgical Resources

Each week of the Christian calendar has a set Collect (a short prayer) set aside for it. Here you will find a  catalog of each calendar date we have covered so far and the Collect commentary that goes with it. 

Year B

Palm Sunday B

Passion Sunday B

Maundy Thursday B

Good Friday B

Holy Saturday B

Easter Sunday B

Easter 2B

Easter 3B

Easter 4B

Easter 5B

Easter 6B

Ascension of Our Lord B

Easter 7B

Pentecost B

Trinity Sunday B

Proper 6B

Proper 7B

Proper 8B

Proper 9B

Proper 10B

Proper 11B

Proper 12B

Proper 13B

Proper 14B

Proper 15B

Proper 16B

Proper 17B

Proper 18B

Proper 19B

Proper 20B

Proper 21B

Proper 22B

Proper 23B

Proper 24B

Proper 25B

All Saints Day B

Proper 26B

Proper 27B

Proper 28B

Proper 29B

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